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Nutreince is formulated using patented Anti-Competion Technology to improve vitamin and mineral absorption and utilization. It also pairs synergistic micronutrients to further enhance absorption and utilization.
- Description
- Specifications

Nutreince is the only Multivitamin offering 100% of all 20 of the essential vitamins and minerals specified by the US food and drug authority. It does so in two stages, AM and PM, using the most absorbable form of the product and avoiding internal competition while encouraging internal synergies. This is explained on the A,B,Cs pages of this website.
- Anti-Competition™ Technology improves micronutrient absorption and usage up to 98%
- Your Choice: 3 great tasting, flavored options, one natural, unsweetened, unflavored formula and easy to swallow capsules formulated to be iodine free
- Utilizes the best, most absorbable form of each micronutrient
- Eliminates over 45 absorption and health-blocking micronutrient competitions
- Powdered nutreince contains 56 packets per box (28 AM & 28 PM), while nutreince capsules contain 112 AM and 112 PM capsules for 24 hour nutritional support.

Reason Number One: Your body is not receiving and absorbing the essential micronutrients, (or vitamins and minerals) that it needs to run the thousands of essential metabolic functions it must perform daily to maintain basic health. This is due to a variety of farming and food processing factors that are literally stripping our modern food supply of most of its essential vitamins and minerals. For example, according to the USDA, an apple today contains 96% less iron, 48% less calcium, and 82% less magnesium that an apple 80 years ago, and the statistics are equally shocking for modern meats and vegetables.(1)